The Social Security disability attorneys at Disability Associates discuss the most common mistakes to avoid when applying for Social Security disability benefits.
When finding yourself in a situation that suggests you apply for Social Security disability benefits, the last thing you’ll want to do is prolong the already lengthy process by making easily avoidable mistakes in your application. Familiarizing yourself with the common mistakes explained below will allow for a greater understanding of the application process so that you can effectively and efficiently proceed through the application process.
You Are Not Prepared
Your own preparedness and preparation are key factors that will ultimately determine the ease of your application process. As an applicant, it is important that you are both comprehensive and thorough when describing your current physical condition as well as your medical history.
Before you begin your application, gather all of the information that you will need to provide either on the application’s form or during your initial interview. This information includes specific dates, medical records and work history documents. Having the necessary information on hand during your application interview makes the job of the disability claims examiner considerably easier, and in turn, improves the chances of a favorable eligibility determination in your case.
You Did Not Gather Sufficient Information
Additionally, your previous employment weighs heavily into the equation that the disability claims examiner will use when determining your eligibility for benefits and/or the amount of benefits due. You must be able to prove that your current disability inhibits your ability to perform the duties of your job. In order to prove this, you must provide a detailed account of your work history, education level, age and current medical impairments that prohibit you from completing your normal work duties.
It is important to note that if you are currently earning in excess of $1,090 per month, it is imperative that you reevaluate your work status before beginning the application process. The Social Security Administration considers any amount above this fixed total as substantial gainful activity (SGA), and you are unlikely to receive benefits if your current income exceeds this amount.
Your Medical History Is Not Accurate
Proving that your disability is genuine and life-altering is a key factor in increasing the likelihood of being approved for benefits. Medical notes, prescriptions and other official documents can go a long way in swaying the mind of a disability claims examiner.
However, many applicants make the mistake of disregarding their prescribed treatment or only provide enough information to prove the disability exists rather than also proving that it affects their ability to work. Gaining the financial support that you greatly need hinges firmly on utilizing any and all prescribed treatments or assistive devices recommended to you by a medical professional.
By recognizing these common mistakes, you can help avoid these mistakes before they occur and gain a better understanding of the application process. Knowing what could go wrong can go a long way in helping ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve.
For more information about applying for Social Security disability benefits or how having a disability attorney on your side can impact your personal situation, please contact Disability Associates today.